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| Oral Muhittin, Kettani O., Çinar Ü., Project Evaluation and Selection in a Network of Collaboration: A Consensual Disaggregation Multi-Criterion Approach, European Journal of Operational Research, vol 130, no 2, pp. 332-346, 2001 |
| Lakhal S., Martel Alain, Oral Muhittin, Montreuil Benoit, Network Companies and Competitiveness: A Framework for Analysis, European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 118, no. 2, pp. 278-294, 1999 |
| Landry Maurice, Banville C., Oral Muhittin, Model Legitimisation in Operational Research, European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 92, pp. 443-457, 1998 |
| Oral Muhittin, Kettani O., Poulin Diane, Globalization, competition and collective decision , Human Systems Management, 17, pp. 169-182, 1998 |
| Oral Muhittin, Kettani O., Lang Pascal, A Methodology for Collective Evaluation and Selection of Industrial R&D Projects, Management Science, 37#7, 871-885, 1991 |