Publications de Mikael Rönnqvist
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Recherche à l'aide de mots-clés

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Auteur: Mikael Rönnqvist
Type de publications: Articles publiés (RAC)
Année de début: 2020
Année de fin:
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Tri à l'intérieur de chaque année: Ordre alphabétique

Articles publiés (RAC)

Fjeld D., Marier Ph., Edlund B., Eliasson L., Frisk M., Rönnqvist Mikael, Accelerated learning for wood supply managers – the next generation of on-line training tools, International Journal of Forest Engineering, 35(1), 3-10, 2024

Ghasemi E., Lehoux Nadia, Rönnqvist Mikael, Model and solution approach to coordinate production-inventory strategies considering nonlinear price-sensitive demand: application to Canadian pulp and paper industry, International Journal of Production Research, Published online: 13 Feb, 2024

Hansson L.J., Sten G., Rossander M., Lideskog H., Manner J., van Westendorp R., Li Songyu, Eriksson A., Wallner A., Rönnqvist Mikael, Flisberg P., Edlund B., Möller B., Karlberg M., Autoplant-Autonomous Site Preparation and Tree Planting for a Sustainable Bioeconomy, Forests, 15(2), 263, 2024

Rönnqvist Mikael, Flisberg P., Frisk M., Bredström D., Paradis J.-B., A new hybrid method for quick and accurate calculation of forest transportation distances, International Transactions in Operational Research, 31(3), 1397-1425, 2024

Simard V., Rönnqvist Mikael, LeBel Luc, Lehoux Nadia, Improving the decision-making process by considering supply uncertainty – a case study in the forest value chain, International Journal of Production Research, 62(3), 665-684, 2024

Albert P-W, Rönnqvist Mikael, Lehoux Nadia, Trends and new practical applications for warehouse allocation and layout design: a literature review, SN Applied Sciences, 5, 378, 2023

Audy Jean-François, Rönnqvist Mikael, D'Amours Sophie, Yahiaoui A-E, Planning methods and decision support systems in vehicle routing problems for timber transportation: a review, International Journal of Forest Engineering, 34(2), 143-167, 2023

Gazran S., Boukherroub Tasseda, Rönnqvist Mikael, Paquet Marc, Optimizing truck platooning transportation planning: an application to forestry products supply chains, Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 53(7), 519-532, 2023

Ghasemi E., Lehoux Nadia, Rönnqvist Mikael, Coordination, cooperation, and collaboration in production-inventory systems: a systematic literature review, International Journal of Production Research, 61(15), 5322-5353, 2023

Jonsson R., Rönnqvist Mikael, Flisberg P., Jönsson P., Lindroos O., Country-wide analysis of the potential use of harwarders for final fellings in Sweden, Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research, 38(1-2), 105-120, 2023

Jonsson R., Rönnqvist Mikael, Flisberg P., Jönsson P., Lindroos O., Comparison of modeling approaches for evaluation of machine fleets in central Sweden forest operations, International Journal of Forest Engineering, 34(1), 42-53, 2023

Rönnqvist Mikael, Frisk M., Flisberg P., Casimir J., Engström J., Hansson E., Kihlstedt A., Collaboration and optimization in farmland exchanges, International Transactions in Operational Research, 30(4), 1591-1616, 2023

Rönnqvist Mikael, Martell D., Weintraub A., Fifty years of operational research in forestry, International Transactions in Operational Research, 30(6), 3296-3328, 2023

Simard V., Rönnqvist Mikael, LeBel Luc, Lehoux Nadia, Stochastic programming to evaluate the benefits of coordination mechanisms in the forest supply chain, Computers & Industrial Engineering, Vol. 184, 109571, 2023

Simard V., Rönnqvist Mikael, LeBel Luc, Lehoux Nadia, A method to classify data quality for decision making under uncertainty, Journal of Data and Information Quality, 15(2), article No 17, pp. 1–27, 2023

Flisberg P., Rönnqvist Mikael, Willén E., Forsmark V., Davidsson A., Optimized locations of landings in forest operations, Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 52(1), 59-69, 2022

Hansson L.J., Forsmark V., Flisberg P., Rönnqvist Mikael, Mörk A., Jönsson P., A decision support tool for forwarding operations with sequence-dependent loading, Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 52(12), 1513-1526, 2022

Rahimi A., Rönnqvist Mikael, LeBel Luc, Audy Jean-François, Evaluation of sourcing contracts in wood supply procurement using simulation, International Transactions in Operational Research, 29(1), 396-416, 2022

Schmiedel S., Beaudoin Daniel, Rönnqvist Mikael, Stand-specific working methods for harvester operators: a simulation study, International Journal of Forest Engineering, 33(3), 250-261, 2022

Basso F., Basso L.J., Rönnqvist Mikael, Weintraub A., Coalition formation in collaborative production and transportation with competing firms, European Journal of Operational Research, 289(2), 569-581, 2021

Carle M.A., D'Amours Sophie, Azouzi R., Rönnqvist Mikael, A Strategic Forest Management Model for Optimizing Timber Yield and Carbon Sequestration, Forest Science, 67(2), 205-218, 2021

Flisberg P., Rönnqvist Mikael, Willén E., Frisk M., Friberg G., Spatial optimization of ground-based primary extraction routes using the BestWay decision support system, Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 51(5), 675-691, 2021

Mobtaker A., Ouhimmou Mustapha, Audy Jean-François, Rönnqvist Mikael, A review on decision support systems for tactical logistics planning in the context of forest bioeconomy, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 148, 111250, 2021

Ouhimmou Mustapha, Rönnqvist Mikael, Lapointe L.-A., Assessment of sustainable integration of new products into value chain through a generic decision support model: An application to the forest value chain, Omega, vol. 99, article #102173, 17 pages, 2021

Rahimi A., Rönnqvist Mikael, LeBel Luc, Audy Jean-François, Selecting wood supply contracts under uncertainty using stochastic programming, INFOR: Information Systems and Operational Research, 59(2), 191-211, 2021

Abasian F., Rönnqvist Mikael, Marier Ph., Fjeld D., Game-The Transportation Game, INFORMS Transactions on Education, 21(1): 52-63, 2020

Feng Y., Audy Jean-François, Rönnqvist Mikael, D'Amours Sophie, An Educational Game with Dragons' Den Experiences for Supply Chain Management Training, INFORMS Transactions on Education, 21(1), pp. 1-17, 2020

Fjeld D., Rönnqvist Mikael, Flisberg P., Developing Methods for Truck Route Selection and Cost Modeling in Steeper Topographies, Forest Science, 66(4): 457-468, August, 2020

Mobtaker A., Montecinos Julio, Ouhimmou Mustapha, Rönnqvist Mikael, Integrated forest harvest planning and road-building model with consideration of economies of scale, Canadian Journal of Forest Research, vol. 50(10), pp. 989-1001, octobre, 2020

Mushakhian S., Ouhimmou Mustapha, Rönnqvist Mikael, Salvage harvest planning for spruce budworm outbreak using multistage stochastic programming, Canadian Journal of Forest Research, vol. 50(10), pp. 953-965, octobre, 2020

Rahimi A., Rönnqvist Mikael, LeBel Luc, Audy Jean-François, An optimization model for selecting wood supply contracts, Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 50(4): 399-412, 2020

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Université Laval
Québec (QC) G1V 0A6

Téléphone: 418 656-2073

Télécopieur: 418 656-2624


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Université de Montréal
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Téléphone: 514 343-7575


Dernière mise à jour: 2024-09-21